Water Well Links

Water Well Links

Water Well Links

    Are you aware that well water can provide lower cost access to both drinking and irrigation water? Owning your water lets you control costs and quality and prevents you from being at the mercy of municipalities. Well water can also be a healthier alternative to city water, which is known to be treated with chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. Overall, owning a well is a cost effective source of water for your family's home or your business.

  • http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wc/documents/WaterWell_rev2008-1.pdf
    North Carolina Water Wells (Details on the well drilling process: permits, casing, grouting, identification, disinfection, pump installation, completion, records, abandonment, and inspection.)
  • http://ncgwa.org/
    North Carolina Ground Water Association
  • http://www.ngwa.org/Pages/default.aspx
    National Ground Water Association
  • http://www.agwt.org/
    American Ground Water Trust
  • http://www.simplepump.com/
    Hand pumps can be great additions to any above ground pump system for both daily use and in times of emergency.